Meet Jordan, a literary powerhouse who champions stories across all genres and age groups. She’s passionate about tales that make her laugh, tug at her heartstrings, and create strong connections with characters. Jordan loves funny romances, coming-of-age stories, imaginative narratives that tackle big issues, and tales of found families and friendships. With Jordan, authors find a dedicated partner known for her integrity, professionalism, and unwavering support. She’s not just an agent; she’s a trusted ally committed to nurturing talent and helping dreams of publication come true. When Jordan isn’t diving into manuscripts or advocating for her clients, you might find her at a cozy campsite, on her hometown beach, or in a coffee shop with a warm latte and a good book. She also enjoys spending time with kids, whether it’s volunteering or simply having fun with her own family. These moments recharge her creative batteries, ensuring she returns to her work with fresh energy and inspiration.